vision_boardsHave you every felt that your vision board is just something on the wall that is gathering dust?  Is it a constant reminder of the goals and dreams that you have that are not coming to fruition?

It can be frustrating to see visions boards work for everyone else and you feel like you are never going to be able to take something off of yours to put in your success binder. Do you want to know 2 secrets that can help you to get things moving?

The first thing that I  learned is that we need to be co-creators with God.  We need to check in with God on the things on our vision board and see if they are things that are in alignment with His will.  When we are in sync with God and allow him to help direct our lives, things run a lot more smoothly.  So first you will want to go through each item on your board and “check in” through prayer or meditation to see if that item is a yes or a no to keep on the board.

The second thing is to get help if we have a block.  We all have false beliefs stored away in our subconscious mind and you will find it very helpful to hire a mentor and energy coach to help me move past those blocks and really get things rocking and rolling again.  Book a 20 minute session with Tara for only $35 today!!  You will be so glad that you did!!

$35 for a Vision Board Tune up and energy session.  You will get mentoring tools as well to help you move forward quickly and easily !! Click the BUY NOW BUTTON!!