Our relationships play a big part in the amount of JOY and SUCCESS we enjoy in life.  There are three areas that I think are super important to have clean and healthy relationships.

God–  Our relationship with God is so vital to our well being.  I feel like it is the foundation that we stand on.  Our identity lies in this connection.  As we come to know God more, we find out more of who we are and what our divine mission is and why we are on this earth.  One way that I strengthen my relationship with God is by writing letters to Him.  This is another form of prayer, but is so meaningful and precious.  Daily prayer on my knees and meditation time are also great ways to get closer to Him.  I feel closest to God when I am out in nature, especially up in the Mountains.  Clearing out false beliefs about our relationship with God can also help us to get closer to Him.

What a joy to interview Kelly Anderson!!  She is truly a gift from God.  We can all learn more from her on improving our relationship with God.  

***Put your information in the box below and you will receive Kelly’s detailed instructions on How to Write Letters to God and will get some amazing Affirmations from me that help to strengthen your relationship with God.  

Self- We teach others how to treat us by the way we treat ourselves.  Negative self talk can be a huge detriment to our well being.  Just like we take out our kitchen garbage, we need to take out the mental garbage.  I teach my clients and my children to have a little black notebook and a little colored notebook.  Take time each day to write down the negative phrases you hear in your mind.  After you write down the negative, switch the statement to a positive and write it down in your colored notebook.  I always like to change it to two positives to really combat that negative.  Remember, that the positive statements need to be in the present tense.  These usually start with the words, I am.  These will not seem true to you at first because your subconscious mind still carries the false belief, but this is a way we can pull out that root and put something new in that space to grow.  Repeat the affirmation daily and watch as you begin to live the new truth.

Example: Negative comment: You’re a bad mom.  I am an amazing mother and always show my love to my children.

Family – Our family ties are so important.  These relationships take work every day and forgiveness seems to be a big factor here. As we learn to forgive others, we make space to love them as God does, unconditionally, with all their imperfections.

Put your information in the box below and you will receive her detailed instructions on how to write letters to God and will get some amazing Affirmations from me that help to strengthen your relationship with God.