Affirmations can change your life! When you change how you think, you change how you approach your day-to-day life. Changing negative self-talk to positive affirmations can help you achieve a more positive outlook on life and can improve your life in so many avenues. I love these daily affirmations – they help me believe in myself and my potential to do whatever I put my mind to!

  • I love myself.
  • I surround myself with people who love me, believe in me, and treat me well.
  • I am beautiful just the way I am.
  • I live life to the fullest.
  • I make the right choices for my life.
  • I trust myself.
  • I accept opportunities when they come to me, and I find new opportunities every day.
  • I am unique and I have so much to offer this world.
  • I set goals I know I can reach.
  • I let go of insecurities, anger, and grudges that hold me back and cloud my vision.
  • I take the time to show love to others.
  • I feel at peace with my past, my present, and my future.
  • I refuse to give up because I know I can succeed.
  • I have the strength to overcome obstacles and grow from them.
  • It doesn’t matter what others think of me because I accept myself for who I am every day.
  • I chose to remember that every problem has a solution.
  • I’m open to the good the Universe has to offer me.
  • I trust everything will work out for the best.
  • I’m ready to open myself up to something new.
  • I see clearly and am centered.
  • I see the good in everything and everyone.
  • I am living my purpose and thriving.
  • I am grateful for a fresh new start each day.
  • I am calm and have peace of mind.
  • I am the loving operator of my mind.
  • I am open and receptive to all good.
  • I am a powerful, responsible thinker.
  • I gently guide my mind toward my own inner wisdom.
  • I easily align with my desires.
  • I experience peace on a consistent basis.
  • My heart is open to joy and happiness.
  • I speak in new and positive ways.
  • I am worthy of a great life.
  • I attract more emotionally healthy people into my life.
  • I break free of family patterns that no longer serve me.

Do you feel like you dropped the ball with your goals in 2016? Maybe you procrastinated important decisions, got stuck, or didn’t know what to do. If you’re ready to make 2017 your best year yet, you’ll first need to discover what sabotaged your success in 2016.


Click here if you are interested in a 50 minute energy clearing phone session.  I will find and release/correct as many imbalances  and  identify, release, and replace negative beliefs with positive affirmations, we will work on generational issues that keep you stuck and acknowledge and connect with the divine worth of your authentic self as your body, and time allows. Sessions can often be targeted to one or more specific issues and is a great way to begin your journey to positive thinking and a JOYFUL life!!