• I am cool, calm and collected.
  • Every breath I inhale calms me and every breath I exhale takes away tension.
  • Every cell in my body is relaxed.
  • I love myself deeply and unconditionally.
  • I accept myself completely and deeply.
  • I am confident about solving life’s problems successfully.
  • I am social and I like meeting people.
  • All is well in my world and I am safe.
  • With every breath, I release the anxiety within me and I become more and more calm.
  • The future is good. I look towards it with hope and happiness.
  • Life is wonderful. I trust in God/Universe to live a well fulfilled life.
  • I overcome my fear of anything and everything and live life courageously.
  • I deal easily with change.
  • I am free of anxiety.
  • I love myself unconditionally.
  • I am STRONG!
  • I allow only healthy and loving relationships into my life.
  • Life wants the best for me. I am OK with where I am right now.
  • I am connected and comfortable in all environments, with all people.
  • I find and enjoy the simple pleasures life is offering right now.
  • How I feel matters, it’s easy to concentrate on aspects of life that make me feel good!
  • My challenges bring me better opportunities.
  • My mood creates a physiological response in my body. I am peaceful and positive!
  • I am in control of my thoughts and my life.
  • I love myself and who I am.